Flying helicopter robots perform “James Bond” theme during TED2012

In just a week, a video of flying robots playing the "James Bond" theme song has taken the Internet by storm and garnered almost 2.3 million views. The reason this video is so popular and ground breaking is because these quadrotors play in complete autonomy.

Robot Quadrotors Perform James Bond Theme

During the TED2012 conference, a meeting of the minds that brings together the latest in technology, entertainment and design, members of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Engineering and Applied Science presented this masterpiece.

In the video's description on YouTube, members of the General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception (GRASP) Lab, explain that, "These flying quadrotors are completely autonomous, meaning humans are not controlling them; rather they are controlled by a computer programed with instructions to play the instruments."

This means that the quadrotors were responsible for "playing various instruments including the keyboard, drums and maracas, a cymbal, and the debut of an adapted guitar built from a couch frame" without the aid of human control.

Creating these quadrotors was not an easy task. In fact, one of the most difficult feats was programing them to avoid each other while in the air. "Figuring out how to move in unison without crashing into obstacles, or one another, is a critical skill for robot teams to develop," Penn University explained on their website. "Especially since they may one day be used to survey landscapes, build structures, or even play music."

Check out an earlier video of the quadrotors flying in formation, through obstacles and in patterns.

This development could be a sign that technology is on its way to to performing tasks that make our lives easier. Personally, I am still waiting for Marty McFly's "Back to the Future" hoverboard.

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