Kids and dad perform ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ on the way to school

Don't you wish that driving to school was always this fun?

"It has become a morning habit to sing 'Bohemian Rhapsody' on the way to school in the morning," the singing dad writes in the video's description. "Depending on traffic, we can usually start the song as we pull out of the driveway, and pull into the school just as the song ends."

The cutest element in this video comes courtesy of the youngest member of the family rocking out in his car seat in the back of the vehicle. The passion and joy that the little boy emits while belting out Queen's classic track can make anyone smile and instantly brighten their day. He even head bangs while making rock-and-roll hand gestures!

Viewers have really taken to the clip. Says one commenter: "The awesomeness of this video is impossible to be quantified,"

And another: "What a great example of a Dad having true quality time with his kids. This should be added to a 'How to Parent' course!"

The last time that we saw this classic track being performed in a vehicle did not end well. It's nice to see the song with an element of family fun.

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